Letter from Bob - 1 of 4

There are 7 known appointments (or appointed times) which we read about in Leviticus 23, and by the time of Yeshua, with the agricultural basis of Jewish life, those 7 had become 3 major festivals (Passover, Pentecost, Tabernacles). In the medieval period and certainly today, the 7 have morphed into 2 major holidays in the cultural realities of modern Jewish people. Those two are Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

The 10 days between those two major days are nicknamed the “Aseret Y’mei T’shuva” or the “10 days of awe (or repentance)” We are encouraged and taught to make right with God and with our neighbour.  The sound of the shofar alerts us to the time, like an alarm clock, awakening us a need to repent and to make atonement. Sin, which is never really a big issue for Jewish people, comes to the fore. We try to do good all year, and then however it comes to us, at this season of the year most notably, we consider the problem of sin. Usually we consider sin only in terms of big evils, like war crimes or major global players getting caught in obvious crimes. But during the 10 Days, we are reminded again and again, in synagogues and in private conversations, that our sins are ever before us.

The reason I’m telling you this is that I call this season “Prime Time” for reaching Jewish people. You know that without admitting our sins we would never even begin to consider our need for a Saviour. We each had to look at the mirror of our lives, realize our sin, and then begin to look for salvation. That was only found in the Redeemer Yeshua. So we ought to rejoice that ‘sin’ as a topic becomes one in which we can communicate to our Jewish friends, co-workers and neighbours.

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Rebekah Bronn