Donate Now

If this website or ministry has been a blessing to you, and if you are a believer and you are regular in giving to your home congregation, we ask that you consider supporting what the Almighty is doing through us. We thank you for your support and generosity.

We receive donations via credit card or PayPal through our PayPal account:


Please Note: We knowingly only accept donations from those who already believe like we do. To calculate in your own currency (if not Australian dollars), we can help you if you email us. Thanks so much. We really appreciate you!


Direct deposit

Bank accounts for Jews for Jesus donations:


Name of Account: Jews for Jesus
National Australia Bank
Account Number: 46-072-8465
Bank Number (BSB) 082-067

New Zealand:

BNZ: BSB 020.484
Account number:  0106273-000


Account name: Jews for Jesus
Account # 581.252.897.001

Other Ways to Give

Give by Cheque or Money Order

Send your cheque or money order to our national office in your country:

Australia (GPO 925, Sydney, NSW, 2001)

New Zealand (PO Box 48, Waipara 7483)

Singapore (Bedok Central PO Box 552, Sg 914606)

Credit Card/PayPal

You may also use Mastercard, American Express or Visa for donations, or if you have a PayPal account, you can send donations directly to [email protected] via your PayPal app or the PayPal website.

Regarding wills

Please include the following wording in your will if you wish to make a contribution in your will to Jews for Jesus after you pass on from this life to be with Yeshua:

“I GIVE the sum of [$XX,XXX.XX] or [xx% of my estate] to Jews for Jesus (ABN: 50 084 937 422) of GPO 925, Sydney, NSW, 2001 in the State of New South Wales (“Jews for Jesus”), for its general purposes free of all duties and taxes payable upon my death or in consequence of my death, and I DECLARE that the receipt of the authorised officer of Jews for Jesus shall be a complete and sufficient discharge for my Executors who shall not be obliged to see to the application thereof.”

Interest Free

For those who want to earn on interest-free loans and pass the benefits on to Jews for Jesus, contact