Thank You for Helping Us Reach Inna in Poland!
Adel ben David, a missionary from our Jerusalem branch (left), talks with Ukrainian refugees in Poland.
by Sveta Adelson
Inna and her family are refugees from Ukraine. We met at a Jewish organization in Warsaw, where Inna was expecting a permit for Aliyah (the term used for Jewish people seeking citizenship in Israel). Unfortunately, her family was denied because of a mistake on the application.
Inna’s Jewish background was mostly secular, but recently she has been thinking more about God, and finding comfort in the prayer book. Her husband has cancer, and it’s often in the midst of suffering and uncertainty that people turn to God. Inna was ready and willing to hear about Yeshua (Jesus). She asked some good questions and listened as I answered. Then it was my turn to ask a question: “Have you ever asked God to forgive your sins?”
Inna listened as I explained the concept of sin and the need for repentance, how Yeshua is the door to a relationship with God, and how He will come into our lives if we want to receive Him. When I offered to pray with Inna to repent and receive Jesus, she agreed, and we prayed. I also prayed for Inna’s husband and for her family to solve the Aliyah problem.
Sveta and her husband Alex are from Ukraine but have served with our Tel Aviv team for many years. Here she is pictured with Inna, whose face is blurred for privacy. Many of our missionaries are rotating through Poland for short-term ministry.
We are so grateful for your partnership with Jews for Jesus that helps us introduce Jewish people like Inna to Messiah Jesus!
This photo was taken by Bob Mendelsohn, who had arrived from Australia only hours before he took this shot, and immediately got to work helping us reach the refugees. We had an amazing time of ministry as so many Jews were in ‘fear’ mode and looking for answers to their deepest longings. We supplied health and medical products and food and clothing—nothing was to be left out. Thank you for your help to get me and my husband Alex, and Bob and all the others who are rotating in short-term service in that troubled region.