Keeping the Gospel Contagious

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Back in the 1970s, Jews for Jesus founder Moishe Rosen said that too many churches were unintentionally “vaccinating” people against the gospel. He’d say, “Some give just enough of the gospel to ensure that others won’t catch a case of it.”

Well, Moishe used to say a lot of things, and they often balanced each other out. For instance, one of my favourites was, “You can’t turn off what the Holy Spirit is turning on.” So, despite some churches “vaccinating” people with the gospel, the Holy Spirit is perfectly capable of keeping the gospel wonderfully “contagious.” And He calls us to take part in that. I think Moishe would have deeply appreciated all our efforts—not just those made by Jews for Jesus, but by so many ministries and individuals across the globe—to help “keep the gospel contagious” during the pandemic. None of us liked having our lives disrupted, and we grieve with those who have suffered great loss—and yet it does seem like God is using this season to further the gospel.

Now what?

⊲ Keep praying full force! As obvious as that sounds, it’s easy to pray less once we feel a crisis has passed. Let COVID-19 remind us that the whole world continues to be in spiritual crisis without Jesus. Pray for people to realize their need for God, and to receive His gift of life through the Messiah.

⊲ Ask people how they are doing, and listen carefully to their responses. Questions like “Has COVID-19 changed anything about what you value, or how you want to live your life?” might open interesting conversations that can take a spiritual direction.

⊲ Expect to hear people talk a whole lot about what is wrong and who is to blame; look for ways to segue into a concise and biblical observation about what is wrong in the bigger picture. You might even have the opportunity to explain how Jesus was willing to “take the blame.”

⊲ Please let Jews for Jesus be a resource to you and to Jewish friends who are interested in Jesus. We will gladly connect with your Jewish friends. If you or they are not comfortable with that, and if you’re looking for help in your witness, we will connect with you. The quickest way to reach us is online. Anyone who comes to our website will receive an online greeting and a “How can we help you?” But you can also phone us at +61.2.9388.0559 and ask for your call to be directed to someone who can help you in your witness to a Jewish friend. Together, by God’s grace, let’s keep on keeping the gospel contagious!

By Ruth Rosen

October 2020

Rebekah Bronn