New Testaments for free… it’s working!

New Testaments for free… it’s working!

by David Brickner

I’m sure you feel the same way I do that the Word of God is precious —more precious than pure gold, and sweeter than honey from the honeycomb (Psalm 19:10). And if you are anything like me then you have several copies and versions on your shelves.

We have this love for Scripture in common with the global Jewish community. My people treasure the Hebrew Scriptures like we do—perhaps, for some, even more so. Study of sacred texts is a very central part of Jewish culture.

That’s why it breaks my heart that most of my people have never read the New Testament.

The New Testament is a Jewish book, by Jewish authors, about the Jewish Hope. And yet the life changing words of this book have been kept from my people for over two thousand years. They have been taught that this book is forbidden, never to be opened.

In Israel, not only is the New Testament not read and studied, it is extremely difficult to access a copy. Our Hebrew Jews for Jesus website is one of the only places in the country where an Israeli can receive a copy of the New Testament in their native language. In 2021 we were able to connect 700 Israeli seekers with a Hebrew New Testament Bible. Hand delivering these Bibles provides us with a unique opportunity to develop personal connections with non-believing Israelis. Each week, through our website we receive about two dozen requests for this Bible.cThis year, our goal is to not only give away, but to connect with 1,000 Israelis through the gift of the New Testament. We are so fortunate that several different Christian organizations in Israel have given us free copies of Hebrew New Testaments to give away. The cost to get these Bible into the hands of Israelis, covers staff (who physically distribute and connect with those asking for the Bible), storage of the Bibles, website fees, promotional events, and postage for those requesting mailed copies. In order for us to get the Hebrew New Testaments in the hands of 1,000 Israeli seekers it will cost $150,000, which is $150 per Bible.

Knowing the plentiful access I have to the Scriptures here in the United States, I am filled with gratitude—as well as a deep sense of responsibility to make sure that every Jewish person who wants to read the New Testament can get access to one. Will you help me bring this forbidden book to Jewish seekers with an additional generous gift?

Our missionaries hand-deliver these precious Bibles as soon and as often as possible, so they can also offer prayer, share their testimony, and come back later for another visit. This creates opportunities to discuss the Scriptures and opens the door for ongoing ministry and discipleship. That’s exactly what happened with Shiloh*. Shiloh requested from us a copy of the Bible that had both Hebrew and English in it. Our missionary Jeff brought Shiloh the New Testament at his house. Shiloh fought back tears as he said “I’ve been looking for this book.” He had heard about Jesus and believed that He was the way to God, but no one had ever explained the gospel to him.

Shiloh began attending church and Bible study with Jeff over the next couple of months, soon boldly professing his faith in Jesus as his Saviour and Lord. As we began to disciple Shiloh, he spoke frequently about how happy he was to have discovered the hope and truth of the gospel. Yet his heart was troubled because his wife and children do not know Yeshua as Messiah.

Soon after sharing his belief with his family, Shiloh asked his wife to attend church with him—and she did! In fact, she enjoyed the service and community of believers so much that she asked, “May I keep attending even though I don’t believe in Jesus?” Praise God! Please pray with us that she too comes to know the Lord as she hears the message of Jesus each week.

At Shiloh’s baptism, he testified to the witnesses gathered there that day and said, “I carry scars on my soul and body from almost six decades of a wandering journey during which I came close to death several times, including almost drowning in a swimming pool when I was young. I find it symbolic to be reborn now in another swimming pool, receiving forgiveness for my past sins and a clean new start as a faithful follower and believer in Jesus, who paid the ultimate price. I will learn and practice His teachings with love, in honour of my Lord’s sacrifice.”

Shiloh’s story reminds me of the Apostle Philip’s encounter with the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8. God told Philip to stay near the Ethiopian in his chariot, where he was reading Scripture yet not understanding it. The encounter ended with the Ethiopian becoming baptized with a new faith!

Because of your support, missionaries today are coming alongside Jewish seekers to help them not only gain access to the Word of God, but also to understand its words - and then welcoming new brothers and sisters into our family in Messiah!

Thanks for helping us as winter is heavily upon all of you in Australia and New Zealand, and as our teams in Israel and around the globe continue to share the Good News of Yeshua with all of our Jewish people.

David Brickner, Executive Director, San Francisco

David Brickner