Your Mission Report

February 2022

Over the years we have been witnessing to Alan*, a 40-year-old Jewish man from the neighbourhood, and helping to answer his questions about faith, about Judaism, and the Bible. We thought we made headway, then he would retreat. He would talk about wanting to join us, and even attend a Shabbat gathering, then he would surprise us and leave halfway through. Our frustrations were met with God’s grace on both Alan and us.

Over the summer break, some of us saw him here and there, and then finally, he came to the shop as January was ending and announced that he believed Jesus was the Messiah. It was so matter of fact, we were surprised. Seems that the Lord had shown him a vision and made that fact clear as crystal to Alan, and he wanted us to know of his new faith.

Bob made a point to speak with Alan immediately about baptism, especially as it’s one of the introductory events for those coming to faith in Jesus as recorded in the Newer Testament. Sure enough, 48 hours later, Alan was walking on the shore with Jimmy and Bob at Watsons Bay, to follow the Lord in believer’s baptism.

The rest of us joined together for some food and drink afterwards and rejoiced in God’s grace. A couple of days later, Alan came back for his regular visit and Bob asked him how he felt.

Alan replied, “I’m full of peace.”

No one can take away the joy we shared that moment. The Prince of Peace has had his way in Alan’s life. Thank God, won’t you?

 *Alan is not his real name


26 October 2021

Praise God that lockdown has finally ended in Sydney! This week we reopened our shop and our first customer was Hannah* a Jewish lady who lives locally and visits regularly. It was wonderful to connect with her and she took two of our free Bibles. Please pray for Hannah who is a believer but struggles with mental health. Rebekah, one of our missionaries would love to meet up with her regularly for Bible studies, but Hannah finds it difficult to commit.

There is a new bus stop directly outside our shop and this is creating great opportunities to speak to people as they wait for their bus to arrive. Yesterday a Jewish lady popped in to buy a mezuzah and today one bought a dreidel for Hanukkah. Please pray that we will be able to speak to these Jewish people about Yeshua and thank God for the new ways that people are finding our shop!

*name changed



October 2021

Bob shares: “Vladimir* is a Jewish man, about 65 years old, who lives in our neighbourhood. He is a regular in dropping by, when our book shop is open. He is always trying to justify his (un)belief. One day during lockdown, I dropped by at his nearby home and he and his wife were surprised at such a visit. I stayed outside across the threshold, and conducted a visit. Vladimir was delighted. Last week, Vlad stopped by the shop when I was inside, with the door propped open, and he wanted to thank me for the visit. Vlad said, “This would be a good time for Messiah to come, don’t you think?” I replied, “We’ve been awaiting Yeshua’s return for so long—now would be a wonderful time for that!” Vlad remembered the arguments they had and said, “Well, maybe Yeshua, and maybe not.”

That’s a big step forward for this Gospel-resistant man.

*name changed


Rebekah Bronn