You’re Breaking Ground for the Gospel in Guatemala!

by Jews for Jesus | September 09 2021

This year we sent our Massah team to Guatemala for the first time ever! With all its breathtaking natural beauty, Guatemala (like India) draws Israeli backpackers to come and decompress after their military service. Guatemala was especially full of Israeli travelers this year because India was sadly closed due to COVID. Some cafés even cater specifically to Israelis.

Miriam reports, “We met Or and her friend on the street, and she decided to join us for dinner. That evening, she listened and asked questions as one of our team leaders, Dean, told his story of coming to faith (including a spiritual experience that took him by surprise during his post-military travels). The next day, Or joined us for an early morning hike. As we sat on a mountain waiting for the sun to rise, she was eager to ask more questions. Or has left the structure of her Orthodox life and is now seeking God in her own way. She seemed touched by what we shared and even showed interest in reading the New Testament. Please pray that she will come to faith in Jesus before long.”

Tehilla reports, “During a hike to Indian Nose, I met an Orthodox woman named Golda who wanted to know where I studied and what I believe. We were surprised to discover that we don’t live far from each other back in the United States! I took her number so we could meet up for coffee after we get home. Please pray that she’ll want to stay in touch.”

She wanted to know what my personal relationship with God was like.

Asha reports, “Rachel is Jewish, from Guatemala, and her boyfriend studied at yeshiva (Orthodox Jewish school) in New York City. I introduced myself and she asked what my name meant. I told her about my Indian and Jewish background, including my parents’ testimonies, and also how I came to faith in Jesus. Then it was my turn to ask Rachel what it’s like to be Guatemalan and Jewish. She told me how important community is to her and how the Jewish community is such an important part of her identity. Yet at times, she feels left out because she doesn’t speak Hebrew. When I asked her about her personal relationship with the Lord, Rachel was surprised. She has always seen her relationship with God in terms of the community and never really considered that she could know God personally. She wanted to know what my personal relationship with God was like. Please pray that she will find both community and a personal relationship with God through Jesus.”

By the end of the trip, our nine-person team (six staff, three volunteer participants) had 230 conversations with Jewish people where we shared that we are Jews who believe in Jesus, plus 226 more conversations where we got to explain more about what that means. Four people received copies of the New Testament to read for themselves.

We are so grateful for your friendship and support that enabled this team to break new ground for the gospel in Guatemala!

Names are changed to protect privacy.

Rebekah Bronn