To our Gentile brothers and sisters in this moment, we are saying that your care and support for Jewish people is needed right now more than ever.
Read MoreIsrael is experiencing her worst tragedy in decades. For all of us outside of Israel, we are left asking ourselves, what can we do to help?
Read MoreWhy do we need a holiday where we do life in tents? Getting out in the elements, away from our normal comforts, helps us to let go and experience God.
Read MoreSukkot means “booths” or “tabernacles.” This week-long holiday is also known as the Feast of Tabernacles. Read more about Sukkot and it’s meaning…
Read MoreThe Day of Atonement is about our being able to openly bring our failings to God so that He can remove them. That cleansing and renewal is exactly what a Messianic Yom Kippur focuses on.
Read MoreRosh Hashanah had a late start in taking its place in Jewish life and stirs up repentance and reflection—not answers.
Read MoreRosh Hashanah, a joyous time of celebration, is also a time for reflection about the need for God’s grace. Learn more about Rosh Hashanah here.
Read MoreDespite the common misperception, Jesus was Jewish-a first-century rabbi from Israel who challenged his people to turn to the God of their fathers.
Read MoreWhat if the answers we need for well-being in modern life were already discovered in antiquity? Wisdom means living life in the light of the truth.
Read MoreShavuot concludes the counting of the Omer, a seven-week period that falls after Passover. It’s known as the Feast of Weeks because it takes place after this seven-week interim. In current practice, the readings and practices of Shavuot largely pertain to the giving of the Law rather than the offering of firstfruits.
Read MoreI grew up in a traditional Jewish home in New York and New Jersey. The fact that I’m Jewish has always been central to my understanding of who I am. But by the time I reached my early twenties, I defined myself as a “Jewish atheist.” Why? Because I was angry.
Read MoreIf you’re curious what that looks like in practice, or if you’re a Jewish follower of Jesus maybe doing this “Passover + Jesus” thing for the first time, here’s a look at what is different (and mostly not so different) about a Messianic celebration of our holiday.
Read MorePassover is all about God liberating Israel from slavery in Egypt. And yet Israel’s liberty—or freedom—wasn’t free. It cost the Egyptian people the lives of their firstborn sons, and it would have cost Israel the same, except for the blood of a sacrificed lamb.
Read MoreThroughout the winter months we endured constant sirens, missile strikes, and drone attacks. Power outages and frequent interruptions of mobile and internet services knocked out heat, light, water, and communication for hours at a time. But praise God Almighty, in the midst of these hardships, ministry was blessed and fruitful.
Read MoreWhat if the answers we need for well-being in modern life were already discovered in antiquity? Wisdom means living life in light of the truth. Our deepest questions need timeless answers.
Read MoreAsk a Jewish friend, “If you were to die, on what basis would you be allowed into heaven?” and you might well receive a blank stare. Many Jewish people have only a “maybe” belief in any kind of life after death—if even that. And yet there are hints of heaven in the Jewish Bible.
Read MoreThis year Jewish people all over the world celebrate the feast of Purim at sundown on March 6. Purim commemorates the dramatic rescue of the Jewish people found in the book of Esther—a book in which God’s name is not mentioned, not even once. And as we read this story, it may seem to unfold as a series of coincidences.
Read MoreGod continues to invade the hell of war in unexpected ways. I am thankful for partners like you who are helping us extend the gospel, God’s stairway to heaven, for all who believe.
Read MoreOutside, she could hear the matches scratching. As the village around them exploded in flames, the Nazis attempted to set the last house alight. Within these walls, Maria Weinstein huddled in the embrace of her newly adopted family. There, amid the chaos, Jew and Gentile united as one family in fervent prayer.
Read MoreBaptism does not change Jews into Gentiles any more than it changes a man into a woman. Why then is there so much misunderstanding and fear among our Jewish people concerning baptism? One needn’t search very far to find the answer.
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