Know Your Jewish Holidays: Purim


This month Jewish people worldwide will be celebrating Purim, a holiday commemorating how God saved the Jewish people from genocide as told in the book of Esther. Purim celebrations include masks and costumes, parties and parades, treats like hamantaschen (“Haman’s ears”), and lots of wine.

Purim is more than just a celebration of Jewish identity. It’s a powerful statement of trust in the God who keeps His promises, often in unseen ways. Throughout history, God’s people have overcome persecution and genocidal antisemitism as He continues to miraculously preserve and protect them. It’s a great reason to celebrate! 

Please pray for peace and protection for Jewish people gathering for Purim celebrations around the world. Especially pray for those attending our Purim outreach events, that they will be drawn to Yeshua’s faithfulness and come to know Him as their Messiah who saves. Chag Purim sameach! (Happy Purim!)