From Bob Mendelsohn, Jews for Jesus Australian Ambassador 

14 years ago I met Ashly,* a Christian, who told me about her Jewish husband, John,* and her desire to see him come to faith. My wife and I invited them to our home for Shabbat dinner. We had a lively and cordial conversation but whenever I tried to contact them again, John always told me he was too busy to meet.  

Finally, at the end of last month, John gathered the courage to pray and ask God to save him. He simply stopped his justifications and confessed Yeshua as Messiah! John says he feels peace like never before. Hallelujah!! Ashly’s prayer was heard and answered.

John and I have now met and had an extensive talk about the Lord and His promises. He is now watching our YouTube channel, using my discipleship guide from our website, and just sponging lots of information. He is really growing in his faith. Praise God!

* names are changed for privacy