Joshua Turnil talks to a guest at an event in Paris

Salvation When We Least Expect It: Camille’s Story

by Joshua Turnil, Paris Branch Leader

Camille attended our Paris Passover event in 2021 at the insistence of a mutual friend, a Jewish believer named Joël. The following year, she came on her own. That's when I introduced her to Irma, another Jewish believer. I was surprised when Irma put her hand on Camille and prayed for God to reveal Himself, and to show Camille that Yeshua (Jesus) is her Messiah. It was uncharacteristic for Irma, and I wondered if Camille felt pressured.

But unbeknownst to me, God was working! In fact, my wife, Delphine, had offered Camille a copy of our Messianic prophecy book, Y'shua, the Jewish Way to Say Jesus, that same night.

I was so pleased when Camille accepted my invitation to one of our Zikaron BaSalon events, where Holocaust survivors share their stories. Camille's parents had survived the Nazi concentration camps, but their memories were so traumatic that they would never discuss what happened. So, Camille was grateful to finally connect with her parents' past. I had expected this but was totally surprised when she exclaimed,

"Josh, I believe!"

"Believe what?" I asked.

She replied, "In Jesus!"

I asked, "What about Him?"

Camille answered, "Everything--that He is the Messiah, the Son of God."

It turned out that Camille had read the entire Y'shua book in one sitting, then continued reading the Bible on her own. "After years of claiming to be an atheist, I finally realized the truth about Jesus and the truth about myself," she admitted with a smile. Wow--how amazing is our God!

Please know that when you pray for us, God answers your prayers in the lives of Jewish people like Camille, not only in Paris, but around the world.