One Year Since October 7: Israelis Are Noticing Your Support!

by Liz Stout, in Jerusalem

Ministry in Israel is challenging even at the best of times. The horror of October 7 has thrown the nation into a year of chaos, fear, grief, and at times, even despair. But God has moved powerfully over this past year, and we are seeing a new spiritual openness among our Jewish people because of Christians who show love and support for Israel!

Meron*, an Orthodox Jewish man in his 30s, runs a training program for Haredi men to help them enter the job market. I met him because he had ordered 10 New Testaments through our website to share with his students. When I delivered the copies, he told me that he reached out to Jews for Jesus because since the war started, he has been moved by the outpouring of support Christians have shown for Israel. During our conversation, I was able to share my testimony and present the gospel. He listened and asked questions. He kept saying, “We believe 90 percent of the same things.” Amazingly, he also said, “I would rather a Jewish person believe in Jesus than be secular!

About a week later, Meron called to let me know he read Matthew, Mark, and Luke. He said that he “loves” Jesus and thinks His teachings are relevant to religious Jews today. He shared the New Testaments with his students, and some of them got angry and yelled at him. But that didn’t stop him from handing them out because he believed they needed to read it! Praise God for Meron’s boldness!

One year after the horrific attack on October 7, it seems like everyone in Israel is still on edge most of the time. Everyone feels like something terrible could happen at any moment, and we are wary even when walking down the street. There is tension in the air, yet, for the most part, we Israelis try to go about our lives as normally as possible.

There is also a deep sadness about the hostages, and there are weekly protests in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Some of these protests have turned violent with the police using extreme force on the protesters. Meanwhile, it seems like the political divide between the religious and secular Israelis has never been more pronounced. It is a difficult time for the country.

We want you to know that in the midst of all this, the people of Israel are noticing the love and support of Christians; they are like rays of light in these dark times. There are many Israelis who, like Meron, are open to reading the New Testament because of Christians who demonstrate their love for Israel. As I processed orders for New Testaments through our Jews for Jesus and partner ministry websites, I saw several people mention Christian support for Israel as their reason for ordering. So please continue standing with Israel; it is truly making a difference!

Thank you so much for your faithful prayers for peace in Israel. But also pray that more Christians will stand in support of Israel and that this will continue to soften Jewish hearts to Messiah Yeshua’s love. Pray for Meron, that he comes to faith as he continues to read, and also pray that the good news of Messiah reaches every Jewish heart in Israel and beyond!

And pray for Liz Stout as she brings the word of hope and love to the Jewish people of Jerusalem!

* name changed for privacy