A Sukkah (pictured here) is a temporary shelter covered in natural materials and is used especially for meals during the festival of Sukkot (see Leviticus 23:33).
Serving Israelis in Sydney
Friday, the 6th of October, was the last night of Sukkot/the Feast of Tabernacles, and our Sydney staff hosted a Shabbat dinner in a sukkah at the home of Natalie, a Jews for Jesus intern from Israel. The night was full of joy, laughter and good food. We had a chance to tell the six Israelis who attended that we were Messianic Jews and explain what this meant.
Two days later, many of the same Israelis were back in Natalie’s home but this time there was no joy or laughter. Instead, there was shock, disbelief, and many tears. After the terrorist attacks by Hamas against Israel on the 7th of October, Natalie has had an open home to Israeli travellers in Sydney. It’s given them a place to gather, comfort one another and just be together.
This is just the start of our team here in Sydney extending practical help and spiritual hope to Jewish people during this crisis. The message of Jesus is one of love and healing and more relevant than ever in dark times. Please pray for our team that we will have many opportunities to share Yeshua as we continue to serve the Jewish community here in Sydney.