Letter From Bob - 3 of 4

Yom Kippur is celebrated on the 10th of the month of Tishri. And maybe ‘celebrate’ isn’t the right word. You see it’s the holiest day in the Jewish calendar, the day of Atonement, making right with the God of the universe after a year’s worth of not exactly living as holy as he requires. So it’s a day of asking for forgiveness and apologizing for a massive list of sins, things we did wrong and things we simply failed to do that would have been right. A full day of apologies sounds a bit much for many people, but in context, it’s actually refreshing and freeing to mention sins by name, one by one, and leaving them at the foot of the Lord. He loves to forgive us. And desires us to make right with him.

Yom Kippur is actually the Day of ‘Atonements’ (Plural). Why? Because we have many things in many circumstances that need repair. Economic, political, social, personal, interpersonal, the list goes on. Getting right with people and getting right with God. The 10 days that end on Yom Kippur are nicknamed the “Aseret Y’mei T’shuva” or the “10 days of awe (or repentance)” We are encouraged and taught to make right with God and with our neighbour. God as King is highlighted and he judges us one-by-one. So it’s the main time when most Jewish people even think a little if not a lot, about sin. We will be conducting another public outreach on Wednesday the 5th October at Church in the Marketplace in Bondi Junction at 11 AM. Prayers of repentance will be offered and a sermon about God’s awesome desire to forgive us as well.

Sin, which is never really a big issue for Jewish people, comes to the fore. We try to do good all year, and then however it comes to us, at this season of the year most notably, we consider the problem of sin. Usually we consider sin only in terms of big evils, like war crimes or major global players getting caught in obvious crimes. But during the 10 Days, we are reminded again and again, in synagogues and in private conversations, that our sins are ever before us.

The reason I’m telling you this is that I call this season “Prime Time” for reaching Jewish people. You know that without admitting our sins we would never even begin to consider our need for a Saviour. We each had to look at the mirror of our lives, realize our sin, and then begin to look for salvation. That was only found in the Redeemer Yeshua. So we ought to rejoice that ‘sin’ as a topic becomes one in which we can communicate to our Jewish friends, co-workers and neighbours.

If we can help you, please ask. We have loads of books and DVDs on the Jewish festivals that you can use to learn. Consider getting some of those just now. For instance, use our catalogue online to get Randy Newman’s book entitled “Engaging Jewish people” by clicking here.

Also if you can help us by donating just now, that would be great as we are increasing our outreaches in mailings, phoning, LiveChat assisting, personal visitation and helping people who visit our bookshop in Bondi. Thanks for using any method you prefer to support us. Best is bank-to-bank direct deposit using our BSB 082.067 and our account number at the NAB: 46.072.8465 But use whatever you can to get it to us just now.

Thanks for reading along with us and caring for the Apple of God’s eye, the Jewish people. They need your care and love and prayers just now, more than ever. And so do we. Thanks for being part of our team.


Bob Mendelsohn


Rebekah Bronn