Letter From Bob - 4 of 4

We have been writing you the last couple of weeks to tell you about the 10 Days, about Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, and briefly mentioned the 7 appointments with the Lord. (Leviticus 23) The final one listed is named the Feast of Tabernacles and is the culmination of God’s appointment book with his people, and with us! As soon as Yom Kippur finished last Wednesday, at my home in Sydney, I began to build my sukkah (Booth) in which many will join me and read the book of Ecclesiastes (traditionally read then), and experience life in the sukkah (some will sleep in the booth nightly—I won’t). We take our meals in the sukkah and ponder inevitable changes and the frailty and uncertainty of life. The last 2 and a half years have reminded us of that with regularity, amen?

During the Sukkot holiday, we also shake the lulav and etrog together inside the sukkah. The ‘four species’ (Palm branch, willow, myrtle and spicy lemon-citron) are then representing our bodies, and we ask God to help us use our whole being to serve him and others.

I will have some folks around and many others in our community will join together as well on this 7th of the 7 appointments with the Almighty. Would you keep praying for us as we gather his people to him, that our success will be in faithfulness to his calling? Thanks.

On Tabernacles, Yeshua announced himself as the supplier of water that will quench our deepest spiritual thirst. (John 7.37-39) So many Jewish people have come onto our radar in this High Holiday season; we are reminding them with regularity that Yeshua is the answer to their quest.

If we can help you as you share with others in your sphere of influence, please ask. We have loads of books and DVDs on the Jewish festivals that you can use to learn. Consider getting some of those just now. For instance, use our catalogue online to get David Brickner’s excellent study of Christ in the Feast of Tabernacles.

Also if you can help us by donating just now, that would be great as we are increasing our outreaches in mailings, phoning, LiveChat assisting, personal visitation and helping people who visit our bookshop in Bondi. Thanks for using any method you prefer to support us. Best is bank-to-bank direct deposit using our BSB 082.067 and our account number at the NAB: 46.072.8465 But use whatever you can to get it to us just now.

Thanks for reading along with us and praying for Jewish people. They are listening; you are part of their coming to the Lord. I hope you feel honoured and excited about this reality. For you, each of you, I’m very grateful.


Bob Mendelsohn for the team in Sydney

Rebekah Bronn