The Day We Saw God’s Voice

Two new moons had passed since we crossed the Red Sea. We’d been on an arduous trek through the desert, but we finally approached the intimidating slopes of Sinai, not sure of what to expect. Suddenly, the mountain was wrapped in a thick curtain of smoke that descended upon the precipice of the towering peak. We trembled as we prepared to meet the God who had rescued us from Egypt only weeks before. As He spoke, the immortal words of Torah cascaded down the mountain and rumbled through our camp.

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Rebekah Bronn
Non-Observant Jews Can Still Celebrate Torah

When I think about Shavuot, I’m ready to bring on the blintzes ... but studying Torah all night? Not so much. While I don’t observe much of rabbinic tradition, I am a person of faith. So, this year I challenged myself to think deeply about what it could mean for someone like me who is not Torah observant to celebrate the giving of the Law. Here are some of the reasons why I believe non-observant Jews can still celebrate the Torah.

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Rebekah Bronn
Was Jesus the Founder of Christianity?

However one chooses to fit Jesus into the mosaic of first-century Judaism, faith in Jesus is Jewish at its root. We say “faith in Jesus” because while followers of Jesus were called “Christians” in the first few centuries of their belief, it is incorrect to call the faith “Christianity” -- a label that did not emerge until later.

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Rebekah Bronn
When the Messiah Comes...

Oftentimes, Jews who come to believe in Jesus are told by their unbelieving families, "If you'd only known more about Judaism, if you'd only studied your own religion, you never would have come to believe this way."

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Rebekah Bronn
The Nature Of Love

The scriptures assert in both Testaments that God is love. God made human beings in his own image and gave them spiritual life. Thus, we are creatures with whom God can have intimate fellowship, creatures who can know God, which is the essence of life.

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Rebekah Bronn
So Nu, What’s New?

Reflections on newness in the new year.

Among the best-known words in the Yiddish language is the word “nu”. It is a word most Jewish people are familiar with and depending on the context means “so what?” “so?” “hurry up already”? An example would be “Nu – tell us already! Out with it!”

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Rebekah Bronn
I'm a Gentile Christian. Should I Keep the Torah?

The teachings of Jesus were so compelling that they quickly spread throughout the world. It didn’t take long before there were far more Gentile followers of Jesus than Jewish ones. This should have been anticipated, as the Hebrew Scriptures teach that when the Messiah comes, the Gentiles will seek Him, too. The Jewish Messiah is for all people, and those who follow Him are united in one faith in the God of Israel.

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Rebekah Bronn
True, Trustworthy and Relevant: Does the Bible Prove Itself?

A skeptic once posed the following question: How do you reconcile the teachings of the Bible with the latest scientific conclusions and psychological insights?" Without hesitation, the believer replied: "I haven't seen this morning's paper. What are the latest conclusions our scientists and psychologists have come up with?"

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Rebekah Bronn
Why We Can’t Afford to be Bad at Discussing Mental Health Anymore

Mental health issues are all too common, but conversations about them aren’t common enough. In fact, in many traditional communities, mental health issues are stigmatized—even shamed! But did you know that there are experiences in the Tanakh consistent with symptoms of modern mental health issues? Many biblical figures displayed signs of possible eating disorders, PTSD, anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts.

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Rebekah Bronn
Hear My Cry, O God! The Mystery and Power of Prayer

The fact is that there is mystery surrounding prayer. We might not always understand the nature of prayer or what God is doing behind the scenes. Yet prayer is central in the life of a believer, and I want to offer some words to orient us and encourage us as we come before the living God.

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Rebekah Bronn
Bits from the Branches

Thanks to those of you who have been praying for Jews for Jesus during this strange time. We are truly amazed by God’s grace in opening doors we would never have imagined during the pandemic! From Hungary, to Israel, to Sydney, and beyond, He’s at work.

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Rebekah Bronn
Keeping the Gospel Contagious

Back in the 1970s, Jews for Jesus founder Moishe Rosen said that too many churches were unintentionally “vaccinating” people against the gospel. He’d say, “Some give just enough of the gospel to ensure that others won’t catch a case of it.”

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Rebekah Bronn
COVID - Will It Win?

There’s nothing good about evil and there’s no hope in redeeming horrible things by saying that evil is good. Isaiah warned the Jewish people about this mistake which was dangerous and prevalent in his days. “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!“ (Isaiah 5.20).

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Rebekah Bronn