You’re Breaking Ground for the Gospel in Guatemala!

This year we sent our Massah team to Guatemala for the first time ever! With all its breathtaking natural beauty, Guatemala (like India) draws Israeli backpackers to come and decompress after their military service. Guatemala was especially full of Israeli travelers this year because India was sadly closed due to COVID. Some cafés even cater specifically to Israelis.

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Rebekah Bronn
Yeshua, Yom Kippur And You

Yom Kippur can be somewhat of a conundrum to Jewish believers in Yeshua. Do we fast and confess our sins like the rest of the Jewish community or do we rejoice in the knowledge that we’re forgiven in Messiah?

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Rebekah Bronn
What is Sin?

Everyone seems to have a different idea of what sin means, but the Bible gives us a singular understanding that applies to all times and cultures.

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Rebekah Bronn
Why Many Jewish People Think Christianity Is Anti-Semitic

The church and the Jewish people have history together has caused Jesus to be misrepresented to his own people for a long time. This causes many Jewish people today to believe that being Christian means being anti-Semitic. But Jewish faith in Jesus is not a stripping of our identity; rather, it is a affirmation of it.

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Rebekah Bronn
Down But Not Out

God comforts the depressed. How does he do that? By the “coming of Titus” and also “by the comfort with which he was comforted in you.” The reality of depression can be overcome by the stronger reality of God’s personal comfort in the visit of Titus and by the fellowship he brought in reporting what God was doing among the people of Corinth.

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Rebekah Bronn
Why I Almost Got an Arranged Marriage

I wonder if the way dating looks for my generation is setting us up to fail. Without relying on trusted family and community as part of the process, we are left to navigate one of life’s most complex choices in a never ending sea of options, alone.

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Rebekah Bronn
Tisha B’Av: The 9th of Av

Tisha B’Av is a fast day to mourn five tragedies in Jewish history. It is synonymous with mourning and tragedy. This article describes the origin of Tisha B’Av, how it is observed, and its traditional customs. It also discusses the New Testament meaning and spiritual application of the day for believers.

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Rebekah Bronn
The Day We Saw God’s Voice

Two new moons had passed since we crossed the Red Sea. We’d been on an arduous trek through the desert, but we finally approached the intimidating slopes of Sinai, not sure of what to expect. Suddenly, the mountain was wrapped in a thick curtain of smoke that descended upon the precipice of the towering peak. We trembled as we prepared to meet the God who had rescued us from Egypt only weeks before. As He spoke, the immortal words of Torah cascaded down the mountain and rumbled through our camp.

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Rebekah Bronn
Non-Observant Jews Can Still Celebrate Torah

When I think about Shavuot, I’m ready to bring on the blintzes ... but studying Torah all night? Not so much. While I don’t observe much of rabbinic tradition, I am a person of faith. So, this year I challenged myself to think deeply about what it could mean for someone like me who is not Torah observant to celebrate the giving of the Law. Here are some of the reasons why I believe non-observant Jews can still celebrate the Torah.

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Rebekah Bronn
Was Jesus the Founder of Christianity?

However one chooses to fit Jesus into the mosaic of first-century Judaism, faith in Jesus is Jewish at its root. We say “faith in Jesus” because while followers of Jesus were called “Christians” in the first few centuries of their belief, it is incorrect to call the faith “Christianity” -- a label that did not emerge until later.

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Rebekah Bronn
When the Messiah Comes...

Oftentimes, Jews who come to believe in Jesus are told by their unbelieving families, "If you'd only known more about Judaism, if you'd only studied your own religion, you never would have come to believe this way."

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Rebekah Bronn