The Gospel of Peace for Cities God Loves

The hostility of people warring against one another is obvious, but as believers, we also are keenly aware that Satan, the father of lies and the merchant of death, is at war against everything and everyone that God loves, including cities throughout Ukraine and Israel.

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Rebekah Bronn
Your Prayers Answered in Sydney!

More than 10 years ago, Adam, a 40-something-year-old Jewish man from the neighborhood, dropped by our Sydney shop and bought some books…Praise God, Adam surprised us in late January by announcing that he believes Jesus was the Messiah. The Lord had shown him a vision, making the truth of the gospel as clear as crystal to Adam. He wanted us to know of his new faith, and we wanted you to know, with many thanks, because your prayers and support make stories like Adam’s possible.

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Rebekah Bronn
5 Prophecies That Yeshua Fulfilled at Passover

Yeshua fulfilled dozens of messianic prophecies over the course of his life. He was born in Bethlehem, came from the line of David, healed the sick and blind, raised the dead, and even arrived at exactly the right point in history. Many of the prophecies that he fulfilled happened during Passover, giving this already significant holiday an even deeper meaning to anyone who wishes to investigate for themselves.

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Rebekah Bronn
Taking Your Pulse...In Messiah

Recently a friend and ministry partner told me, “One thing I love about Jews for Jesus is that you have stayed true to your calling to Jewish evangelism.” I told him that passion for the lost is one of our core values, and God has used it to protect us from drifting.

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Rebekah Bronn
Tu B'Shevat: Israeli Arbor Day for Trees

Tu B’Shvat falls on the 15th day of the Hebrew month Shvat, and is often considered in modern times to be Israel’s Arbor Day. The largest tree planting occurs in Israel where forests have been created. This article talks about the tree plantings worldwide and their significance, particularly in Israel.

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Rebekah Bronn
What is Joy?

Joy is something deeper than happiness or pleasure. Jewish sages have taught that it’s a part of the divine, yet accessible to everyone. But can we define it? And how do we find it?

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Rebekah Bronn
Jesus the Prince of Peace

The year: 700 BCE. We Jewish people are waiting for the Hope of Israel. We have been longing for the Messiah since the announcement of this person to come in the Garden of Eden. Now Isaiah announces a new prophecy. The Messiah will be a baby, a boy, and he will stabilize the world’s government like Atlas on his own shoulders. He will have new names including Prince of Peace.

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Rebekah Bronn