Every time I read Jesus’ words and learned about his deeds, I wanted more. Then I met true believers in Jesus who loved God and one another. This, at last, was what my heart had been longing for. Knowing Jesus is transforming me from within, day by day.
Read MoreMy life was full of stuff but empty on the inside. Just as my life felt like it was crumbling, I had another encounter with Jesus. In a moment, my world changed, and my priorities shifted.
Read MoreI was fascinated by Jesus and asked God to give me a sign if Jesus was who I had been searching for. Slowly, I saw the mercy of God removing old habits and shame from my life—he did the work I couldn’t do by my own strength.
Read MoreI did a search for “Christianity” and found the New Testament in Hebrew. I expected it to be an anti-Semitic book with stories about Santa Claus! But within the first few pages, I realized that I was reading a book written by Jews about Jews, living here in Israel. That really surprised me!
Read MoreI decided to read the New Testament, and I was very surprised. I read through the book of Matthew and by the end, I had tears in my eyes. It was not what I had expected. I couldn’t find anything I disagreed with. I became upset and asked myself, “How come I’ve not read this before?
Read MoreWhen I looked at the New Testament for the first time, upon reading the very first verse, “A record of the genealogy of Yeshua the Messiah, the son of David, the son of Abraham,” I somehow knew that if the Jewish people were going to have a Messiah, it had to be Jesus.
Read MoreI was picked on at school and told that I was going to hell because I was Jewish. Jewish houses were egged at Easter since we were blamed for Jesus’ death. These things reinforced the idea that belief in Jesus was unacceptable, even if he seemed like a nice guy to me.
Read MoreI asked my Rabbi why we didn’t believe in Jesus. He looked at me over his glasses and pointed me out of the office. That was the end of that. I had nowhere to go with this. I didn’t know anyone that was a Jewish follower of Jesus.
Read MoreJesus, the Messiah? How could this be true? How could a guy come along, people follow him, and that became a new religion? I’d been searching so high and deep, this couldn’t possibly be the answer. I didn’t want it to be.
Read MoreA good friend came over and read Isaiah 53 to me and asked, “Who do you think it’s talking about?” When I realized he was trying to push Jesus on me, I threw him out of my house and told him never to speak to me again.
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