Posts tagged ss1
Simon's Story

I was picked on at school and told that I was going to hell because I was Jewish. Jewish houses were egged at Easter since we were blamed for Jesus’ death. These things reinforced the idea that belief in Jesus was unacceptable, even if he seemed like a nice guy to me.

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Bob Mendelsohnss1
Marc's Story

I asked my Rabbi why we didn’t believe in Jesus. He looked at me over his glasses and pointed me out of the office. That was the end of that. I had nowhere to go with this. I didn’t know anyone that was a Jewish follower of Jesus.

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Bob Mendelsohnss1
Adel's Story

Jesus, the Messiah? How could this be true? How could a guy come along, people follow him, and that became a new religion? I’d been searching so high and deep, this couldn’t possibly be the answer. I didn’t want it to be.

Adel’s story

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Bob Mendelsohnss1