What is the source of Jewish identity?

Moses chose not to reveal that he was a Hebrew. He actively identified as an Egyptian, and that’s how he would have gone down in history if God had not intervened. In the Hebrew Scriptures, the textbook for Jewish identity, the definition of that identity always comes from God.

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Rebekah Bronn
You Helped Yakov Start a New Life!

Yakov left his Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) community more than a decade ago. He had broken the Sabbath, his parents tried to discipline him by not speaking to him ... and he just wasn’t satisfied with life at the yeshiva (Orthodox religious school). He was an 18-year-old in search of an alternative. Eventually, Yakov turned up on the Jews for Jesus website and responded to our LiveChat invitation.

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Rebekah Bronn
Is It Working In Sydney?

After the event, I was speaking with each of the Jewish people who were not yet believers who attended. One said, “Can you have more of these gatherings? They are so special to me.” Another said, “I think I now believe in Jesus. What’s next?”

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Rebekah Bronn
Letter From Bob - 4 of 4

We have been writing you the last couple of weeks to tell you about the 10 Days, about Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, and briefly mentioned the 7 appointments with the Lord. (Leviticus 23) The final one listed is named the Feast of Tabernacles and is the culmination of God’s appointment book with his people, and with us!

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Rebekah Bronn
Letter From Bob - 3 of 4

Yom Kippur is celebrated on the 10th of the month of Tishri. And maybe ‘celebrate’ isn’t the right word. You see it’s the holiest day in the Jewish calendar, the day of Atonement, making right with the God of the universe after a year’s worth of not exactly living as holy as he requires.

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Rebekah Bronn
Letter From Bob - 2 of 4

Rosh Hashanah actually translates to the idiom “New Year” or literally “Head of the Year.” What’s true about that is that 5,784 years ago, God created the world. And thus Rosh Hashanah celebrates or is the anniversary of the Creation of the world.

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Rebekah Bronn
Letter from Bob - 1 of 4

The 10 days between those two major days are nicknamed the “Aseret Y’mei T’shuva” or the “10 days of awe (or repentance)” We are encouraged and taught to make right with God and with our neighbour.

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Rebekah Bronn
To Abide with God in the Midst of Danger

Psalm 91 offers two beautifully poetic Hebrew words to convey the richness of abiding in God. Yoshev, which means “to dwell,” and implies a place of permanence, and Yitlonan, which means “to abide.” The first word speaks of that sense of security we feel in our homes. I call it nesting. You know, that sense of relief you feel when you come home and unpack after a long trip. The familiar surroundings create a welcoming sense of comfort and contentment.

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Rebekah Bronn
Faithfulness: The Measure of Success?

I’m often asked, “Do you have much success here?” Of course I never know exactly how to answer that because I don’t know what barometer people use to measure success. Are they comparing our mission with another mission that they support? Are they comparing us to some of the hype that they’ve heard in various ministries on television? After all there are plenty of ministries out there and large churches where large numbers of people come to Christ in any one month. Is that what they’re asking?

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Rebekah Bronn
Why Many Jewish People Think Christianity Is Antisemitic

The church and the Jewish people have history together that has caused Jesus to be misrepresented to his own people for a long time. This causes many Jewish people today to believe that being Christian means being antisemitic. But Jewish faith in Jesus is not a stripping of our identity; rather, it is a affirmation of it.

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Rebekah Bronn